Size matters to Hussain THE world’s tallest man met one of Britain’s tallest women yesterday — and they agreed that size DOES matter. After reading in The Sun yesterday about 7ft 9ins Hussain Bisad, 6ft 8ins Sarah Fowler was just longing to see him. So we arranged a summit conference between her and 33st Hussain — and it soon looked like love was in the air. Romantic Hussain, 27, said “High there” with a bunch of flowers. It made a big impression on Sarah, 32, who said: “I just love taller men and Hussain certainly fits the bill. “He looked big in the paper but in the flesh he’s huge.” The unwed London Tube driver went on: “Hussain is a big softie. One of the first questions he asked me was, ‘Are you married?’ “He’s a bit of a charmer if you ask me. I can see he’s got that naughty look in his eye. “I think he stands head and shoulders above other men. “Too bad I’ve missed Valentine’s Day.” Sarah, from Hounslow, West London, has been a member of the UK Tall Persons Club for ten years. And it is clear that Somali-born asylum-seeker Hussain has Britain’s tall girls highly interested. Tall smiles ... Hussain is happy to meet British man mountain Chris Tall club director Mary Noakes said: “I have had dozens of calls and enquiries from members asking about Hussain. “His arrival in Britain has caused quite a stir. “Most of our women members prefer taller men and they don’t come as tall as Hussain very often. “I have several who are waiting to give him an outsized welcome.” And Sarah said: “The fact he gave me flowers and that I was the first to meet him will make lots of girls in the tall club jealous.” If romance blossomed between Hussain and Sarah they would become Britain’s tallest couple. But blushing Sarah joked: “It’s a bit too early to call Guinness, we’ve only just met.” Hussain eats four huge meals and drinks three gallons of water a day and sleeps in a 9ft bed — and he is still growing at nearly an inch a year. Now he is to be measured by officials from the Guinness Book of Records and looks certain to grab the world height record from 7ft 8ins Tunisian Radhouane Charbib. Yesterday Hussain also came face-to-face with another rival UK man-mountain. Playgrounded ... Hussain and Chris dwarf little Emilia Kazamias, nine Chris Greener, 58, has been regarded as Britain’s tallest man since 1967. But at just 7ft 6ins he admits his record is about to go. The Sun arranged for them to meet yesterday at Hussain’s home near Neasden, North West London. Accountant Chris said: “He’s big all right. It looks like my title is under threat. “I’m pleased to welcome Hussain to this country. It’s nice to look someone in the eye for a change.” As the two titans strolled in a nearby park, onlookers gasped in amazement. Mum-of-two Louise Pitman, 31, said: “It looks like something out of Land of the Giants. They are huge. “I’ve never seen two people so big in all my life.” For Hussain, the experience of meeting a fellow tall man was a first. He told The Sun: “I have never met anyone as tall as Chris. It’s been great fun. He knows all about life up here. “It’s not always easy being so tall but meeting someone like him has been fantastic for me.” As the pair chatted, Hussain asked Chris: “How big are your feet?” Chris, from Bromley, Kent, replied: “Size 17 — so they are a lot smaller than yours.” We revealed yesterday that Hussain takes Size 26 shoes and has to have them specially made at £600 a pair. Chris will officially remain the tallest Briton until Hussain’s height is confirmed. Hussain, who has a twin sister Khardra just 5ft 5ins tall, was named as Somalia’s tallest person in 1998. He was measured then at just over 7ft 7ins but has grown since. Doctors have warned him that his abnormal growth is probably a rare condition called pituitary giantism, which is caused by a tumour. Sufferers continue to grow after the late teens, when most people stop developing. Unless treated it can cause heart trouble, blindness and diabetes. But yesterday Hussain, who has Home Office permission to stay in Britain, was happy to learn that he has been made an honorary member of the 1,000-strong UK Tall Persons Club. He is to be invited to club functions around the country. He said: “I have been treated very well since arriving in Britain. I love the people here, everyone is very friendly. And I certainly like the look of some of the women.” Sarah Fowler, the girl who Hussain took to yesterday, towers above the average British man, who is a mere 5ft 10ins. The Guinness Book of Records does not have a category for Britain’s tallest woman. But the tallest women ever to live in Britain was Jane Bunford, from London. According to Guinness, Jane was a giant 7ft 4ins. She died in 1922. The current female world record holder is Sandy Allen, 47, from America. She measures up at an incredible 7ft 7½ins Last November The Sun revealed that newlyweds Keisha Bolton, 22, and 6ft 5ins, and her 7ft hubby Wilco van Kleef, 20, from Dagenham, Essex, were the tallest British couple
Source: http://www.somaliland-it.com/subpage17.html